All Free Version Features |  |  |
Amazing Testimonial Layouts (Slider, Carousel, Grid, Masonry, List, Isotope, etc.)Hot | 3 | 8 |
Testimonial Slider/Carousel Styles (Thumbnails Slider, Center, Ticker, Multi-rows, etc.) |  |  |
Customizable and Professionally Designed Testimonials ThemesHot | 1 | 14 |
Reviewer Information Fields Including (Image, Company Logo, Video URL, 40+ Social Profiles, Rating, etc.) | 6 | 15+ |
Add Unlimited Additional Custom Information Field |  |  |
Reviewer Location and Country Selector FieldNew |  |  |
Create Unlimited Testimonials Submission Form with 16 Selectable Fields Hot |  |  |
Allow the Reviewer to Capture Video Testimonials with Recording UI and Submit InstantlyHot |  |  |
Testimonial Form Layouts | 1 | 2 |
Ajax Form Submission, Testimonial Form in Lightbox/Popup |  |
Submitted Testimonial Status Control (Draft, Pending, Auto Publish, and etc.)Hot |  |  |
Admins can edit the Testimonials before Publishing |  |  |
Google reCAPTCHA (v2, v3) for Testimonial Form Spam ProtectionHot |  |  |
Email Notification to Admin, Awaiting Notification, and Approval Notification to ReviewerNew |  |  |
Filter Testimonials by Groups, Specific, Exclude, and Based on Star Rating |  |  |
Display Testimonials Randomly |
Average Rating for TestimonialsHot |
Enable/Disable Ajax Live Filters and Ajax Search Field |  |  |
Rich Snippets/Structured Data Compatible (Schema Supported) |  |  |
Manage Testimonial Title and Content Limit, Read More Button, etc. |  |  |
Control Reviewer Information Fields with Advanced Customizations |  |  |
Testimonial Detail or Read More Link Type (Expand, PopUp) |  |  |
Customize Reviewer Social Media Profiles (Alignment, Custom Color, Border, etc.) |  |  |
Customize Rating Icon, Color and Alignment |  |  |
Reviewer Image Shape (Rounded, Circle, Custom) |  |  |
Reviewer Image Border, Box-shadow, Background, Padding, Lightbox, Zoom and Grayscale Effects |  |  |
Reviewer Custom Image Dimension and Retina Ready Supported |  |  |
Video Testimonials with Lightbox and Inline Play Functionality |  |  |
Multiple Live Filtering at a time (Star Rating and Groups)Hot |  |  |
Fully Customizable Themes and Layouts |  |  |
Customize Video Testimonials Icon Size, Icon, & Icon Overlay Color |  |  |
Set the Number of Testimonials to Scroll at once |  |  |
Enable or Disable Pause on Hover & Infinite Loop |
Slider Transition Effects (Slide, Fade, Flip Horizontally and Vertially) |
Slider Direction (LTR & RTL) Supported |  |  |
Customize Navigation and Pagination Size, Color, and Position Properties |  |  |
Stylize your Testimonial Typography with 1500+ Google Fonts |  |  |
Import and export Testimonials, Testimonial Views and Forms |
Real Testimonials Gutenberg Block |  |  |
Fully Translation Ready with PoEdit, WPML, Polylang, Loco Translate, and More |  |  |
SEO Friendly Markup |  |  |
Cross Browser Supported |  |  |
Multi-site Supported |  |  |
Gutenberg Block Ready |
Create, Edit, Re-order, Delete, and Manage Testimonials |
SEO Friendly Markup |
Multi-site Supported |
Priority Top-notch Support |  |
All Premium Features, Security Enhancement and Compatibility |  |  |