Changelog (Updates)

Version 3.1.0 - May 07, 2024

  • New: The Reviewer Fallback Images (Smart Text Avatars, Mystery Person, No Fallback Image) option.
  • New: The Form Width option.
  • New: The Testimonial Form Rating Size option.
  • New: The preselect 5 stars on the testimonial form option.
  • New: A hook 'sp_tpro_text_field_allowed_html' was added to modify allowed tags to designation and company name fields.
  • New: Allowed multi-column support to list layout.
  • New: The Exclude from Search option in the plugin settings.
  • New: A loading icon was added at the submit button when clicking on the Ajax form submit button.
  • New: The Hide Form option to hide after submitting a testimonial by the user.
  • New: The Rating Star Size, Empty Color, Active Color, and Hover Color options for the form feature.
  • New: The Required option for the rating field.
  • Improved: The company logo default size is set to thumbnail size.
  • Improved: The number of testimonials is shown in the group field when selecting a group to filter.
  • Improved: In the thumbnail slider themes 3 and 4, images were getting inline height, and the gap between images and content was huge.
  • Fix: The Ajax live filter and search field did show in the carousel or slider layout.
  • Fix: The Equal Height doesn't work if the popup is not selected from the Read More option.
  • Fix: The Column option did not work in the list layout.
  • Fix: When the reviewer info position was set to top or left, the rating star did not show in theme 8.
  • Fix: The Equal Height option does not work for some layouts.
  • Fix: The Info Background gradient color option did not work for themes 8 and 9
  • Fix: The navigation arrow spacing is not equal on both sides when the Icon size increases.
  • Fix: When the user clicks on the Leave A Video Review field label, it opens the file uploader.
  • Fix: The plugin admin asset did not load on some web-hosted WordPress websites rarely.

Version 3.0.0 - Apr 15, 2024

  • New: The Based on Rating Star filter option for testimonial filtering.
  • New: The Center mode/style feature of the carousel layout.
  • New: The Multi-Rows carousel style feature.
  • New: The Carousel layout has been reorganized into two layouts (Slider and Carousel).
  • New: 4 Pre-defined themes of Thumbnail Slider.
  • New: The Quote Symbol in the Testimonial Title option.
  • New: The Caching feature with Enable Cache, Cache Time, and Flush Cache options.
  • New: The Rating Position, Rating Icon Size, and Gap options.
  • New: 2 New Transition Effects (Flip Horizontally, Flip Vertically) for the slider layout.
  • New: The Background Color Type (Solid/Gradient/Preset) for the testimonial item.
  • New: 11 Stunning Gradient Presets for the testimonial item.
  • New: The Testimonial Title Text Limit by Words feature.
  • New: The Box Shadow feature for the testimonial item.
  • New: The Image Box Shadow (Inset, Outset) option.
  • New: The Border-Radius option is for rounded image shapes.
  • New: The Show On Hover option of carousel navigation.
  • New: The Navigation Arrow Style Icons are reorganized and revised.
  • New: 5 New Pagination Styles (Dynamic, Strokes, Scrollbar, Fraction, Numbers) for slider and carouse layouts.
  • New: Auto Publish Based on the Star Rating option for testimonial status.
  • New: The Form Display Mode option (On Page, Popup/Lightbox).
  • New: Ajax Form Submission feature.
  • New: The Leave Your Review button with Button/Text Link styles.
  • New: The Testimonial Title and Content Limit by Characters/Words options.
  • New: The Before and After text options of every field of the form.
  • New: The Email Notification feature is divided into three types: Admin Notification, Reviewer Awaiting Notification, and Testimonial Approval Notification.
  • New: To, From, Subject, and Message Body (dedicated) options for Admin Notification, Reviewer Awaiting Notification, and Testimonial Approval Notification.
  • New: Two amazing options (Style One/ Style Two) for the form layout.
  • New: The Border and Border-Radius option of Input Fields.
  • New: The Rating Color option of forms.
  • New: The Form Background color option.
  • New: The Border option of forms./
  • New: 2 Types of Box Shadow feature of forms.
  • New: Form Alignment and Padding options.
  • New: Required Notice and Notice Label options of forms.
  • New: The plugin settings options are reorganized.
  • New: The Custom JS option.
  • Improved: The Plugin UX and UX were hugely reorganized and optimized to make it more user-friendly.
  • Improved: The Image Settings tab and its options were moved inside the Display Settings Tab.
  • Improved: The Space Between Testimonials option was moved to the General Settings Tab.
  • Improved: The Ajax Testimonial Search and its related options were moved to the Basic Preferences of the Display Settings Tab.
  • Improved: The Pagination Section of the Grid/List/Isotope layout was moved to the General Settings tab.
  • Improved: The 'Slider Controls' tab was renamed 'Slider Settings.'
  • Improved: The Display Setting tab options were reorganized into nested tabs.
  • Improved: The options for the Carousel Setting tab were reorganized into nested tabs.
  • Improved: The Hide on Mobile option of carousel navigation and pagination was separated from the Navigation and Pagination options, respectively.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: Some wpcs-related warnings.
  • Fix: The redirect to the license page issue after plugin activation.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.5 compatibility.

Version 2.8.2 - Nov 27, 2023

  • Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP8.2.
  • Fix: The Video and multiple p tags don't work in the testimonial content and testimonial modal recently.
  • Fix: The client photo does not upload when submitting the testimonial form with the Astra child theme.
  • Fix: The Placeholder image source conflicts with other plugins due to a common variable.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.1 compatibility.

Version 2.8.1 - Oct 10, 2023

  • New: The CSV import and export feature to import or export testimonials.
  • Improved: The import feature with animation.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: When the plugin has an update, the warning appears on clicking the "show changelog" link.

Version 2.8.0 - May 24, 2023

  • New: The Ajax Live Filter feature.
  • New: Ajax Search testimonials by keywords feature.
  • New: The Zoom features for the testimonial Images.
  • New: The Equalize Testimonial Height option for carousel and grid.
  • New: The Vertically Center Outer On hover option for carousel navigation.
  • Updated: The Gutenberg Block NPM packages have been updated.
  • Updated: The language(.pot) file.
  • Improved: The Exclude Testimonial option is excluded from the group option.
  • Fix: Some text related to the average rating is not translatable.
  • Fix: The order by properties doesn't work correctly on Live Preview.

Version 2.7.2 - Feb 16, 2023

  • New: The Vertical Gap option in the Space Between Testimonials field was added.
  • Improved: Plugin security improved.
  • Improved: Some options (border, border-radius) are reorganized.
  • Improved: The Close button position is fixed on the popup for long content.
  • Fix: Despite the Touch Swipe being disabled, the Swipe to Slide function still works.
  • Fix: When Random Order is enabled, duplicate items appear on the pagination.
  • Fix: Translation doesn't work correctly with the WPML plugin.

Version 2.7.1 - Jan 19, 2023

  • New: The Company Logo option to show in the testimonial view.
  • Improved: The plugin security improved.
  • Fix: The warning in testimonial form of the checkbox field label.
  • Fix: The ticker does not work when the direction is left to right.
  • Fix: YouTube video Fullscreen issues on Safari.
  • Fix: The testimonial form submission issue when reCAPTCHA is used.

Version 2.7.0 - Nov 08, 2022

  • New: Record Video Testimonials with webcam/mobile on the testimonial frontend form.
  • New: The Video Testimonial Showing option.
  • New: The placeholder image is added if the video testimonial does not have a featured image.
  • Improved: The default font family of the Typography Settings is set to empty to inherit the font family of the current theme.
  • Improved: Help page redesigned.
  • Improved: Load dynamic style according to the shortcode on the page.
  • Fix: Some videos do not show in the popup after loading data via Ajax load more.
  • Fix: The Dequeue Assets option does not work when the Elementor plugin is enabled.
  • Fix: JS warning in the Gutenberg widget area.

Version 2.6.3 - Sept 07, 2022

  • New: Slide animation fade-effect for multiple columns in the carousel.
  • New: Custom image size like the free version.
  • Fix: The slidesPerView issue in the Thumbnail slider.
  • Fix: Few deprecated JS warnings.
  • Fix: WP Rocket's lazyload conflict.
  • Fix: Image distorted issue on mobile.
  • Fix: Extra blank block at the end of the carousel.
  • Fix: Extra margin on mobile when navigation is hidden.
  • Removed: The plugin update notice was removed from the sub-site of a multisite, as the notice has shown in the network admin panel.

Version 2.6.2 - Aug 03, 2022

  • Improved: Migrated to Swiper from Slick JS for Standard Carousel mode.
  • Fix: The 'Pause on hover' option does not work correctly in the Ticker mode.
  • Fix: The Cleanup Data on Deletion issue when the plugin is uninstalled.
  • Fix: The export option does not work correctly with the WP Debugging plugin.
  • Fix: Some console errors and deprecated warnings.

Version 2.6.1 - Apr 20, 2022

  • New: The margin option of the average rating section.
  • New: Video/lightbox icon size option.
  • New: Video/lightbox icon hover color option.
  • New: Overlay color option over image added.
  • Improved: The typography tab loads a little slowly.
  • Fix: The video does not open in the popup if the lightbox option is disabled.
  • Fix: Carousel pause on hover does not work when clicking on Readmore.

Version 2.6.0 - Mar 31, 2022

  • New: Gutenberg Block to insert the shortcode for preview.
  • New: Elementor Addon added.
  • New: Average rating feature.
  • New: The option to load 2x resolution Images in Retina Display.
  • New: The 'Additional Custom Field' option to add any custom information for testimonials.
  • New: Pagination for Isotope layout.
  • Improved: Schema markup.
  • Improved: The SVG preloading icon has been added as a pre-loader image.
  • Fix: The margin between slides does not work for a multi-row carousel.
  • Fix: The compatibility issue with the 'Themeco Pro' theme and the 'WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder plugin.

Version 2.5.3 - Jan 25, 2022

  • New: Testimonial border option for Theme 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  • New: Box-shadow property added for theme ten.
  • Improved: The position of the Image Settings and Slider Controls tabs are interchanged.
  • Improved: The alignment option of images has changed from a button to a select field.
  • Improved: The label text of the Testimonial Info Background option.
  • Improved: The thumbnail slider options improved.
  • Fix: The 'All' button of the isotope shows an issue if kept blank.
  • Fix: The conflict of template modification with the Bridge theme.
  • Fix: The margin option of the thumbnail slider issue.
  • Fix: The image Shape option focuses on the blink issue.
  • Fix: Masonry layout issue with the full content.
  • Fix: The margin option for the grid layout of theme one issue.

Version 2.5.2 - Jan 12, 2022

  • New: Template Modification Feature added.
  • New: Border, border radius, background for testimonial in Theme One.
  • New: The Arrow Position option was added at theme 8.
  • Improved: Settings page with a new layout.
  • Improved: Code improved.
  • Improved: The export-import option improved.
  • Improved: Testimonial Form and Readmore button style improved.
  • Fix: Multiple forms in one-page issue resolved.
  • Fix: Astra theme conflict issue resolved.
  • Fix: Theme 7 and 10 issues when images are disabled.
  • Fix: Theme 4, 5 layout issue.
  • Fix: Few warnings at style.php resolved.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.

Version 2.5.1 - Dec 04, 2021

  • New: Framework updated.
  • Fix: Asset loading issue.
  • Fix: Letter spacing issue.
  • Fix: Thumbnail center image issue.
  • Fix: Readmore issue.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.
  • Improved: Hook added for WPML filter (suppress filters).

Version 2.5.0 - Nov 02, 2021

  • New: Plugin name changed to 'Real Testimonials Pro'
  • New: Form shortcode live preview option.
  • Fix: Testimonial mail notification issue.
  • Fix: Group-wise testimonials show empty.
  • Fix: Image loaded function for isotope.
  • Fix: Schema markup issue.
  • Fix: Warning shows if the margin between fields is blank.
  • Fix: Several minor tweaks.

Version 2.4.0 - Oct 08, 2021

  • New: Live Preview option.
  • Improved: Shortcode panel options text.
  • Fix: Multisite license issue.
  • Fix: Several minor issues.

Version 2.3.0 - Jun 17, 2021

  • New: Export and Import option.
  • New: Character length option for testimonial title.
  • Fix: Load More and infinite scroll visible issue.
  • Improved: AutoPlay & Pagination speed option.
  • Improved: Clean up data on plugin deletion.

Version 2.2.5 - May 07, 2021

  • New: Google reCAPTCHA v3.
  • Improved: Shortcode area redesign.
  • Fix: Content character length issue.

Version 2.2.4 - Mar 12, 2021

  • New: Activating the license key is mandatory.
  • New: Shortcode onClick copy option.
  • New: Isotope 'All' tab show/hide & text option.
  • New: Slider navigation icon size option.
  • Improved: Dashboard Generator Settings panel.
  • Improved: Settings page.
  • Improved: Typography output.
  • Fix: Slider blurry issue.
  • Fix: Popup Social icon color & background color issue.
  • Fix: Preloader issue.
  • Fix: Grid pagination issue.
  • Fix: Masonry Readmore expands issue.
  • Test: WordPress 5.7 compatibility.

Version 2.2.3 - Feb 09, 2021

  • New: Load More Button (Ajax).
  • New: Ajax Number Pagination.
  • New: Infinite Scroll (Ajax).
  • New: Load more button labels.
  • New: Pagination color, border, & alignment.
  • New: Preloader option.
  • New: Isotope Filter button border option.
  • New: Visual design for Testimonial Themes in the Theme Settings tab.
  • Fix: Theme Three, Five, and Six bottom margin issue.
  • Fix: Image column height width issue on the All-Testimonials page.
  • Fix: Number field control issue.
  • Fix: Testimonials per page and limit testimonials conflict.
  • Improved: Dashboard Settings panel.

Version 2.2.2 - Dec 15, 2020

  • Fix: Preloader issue.
  • Fix: WordPress 5.2.1 compatible issue.

Version 2.2.1 - Oct 23, 2020

  • Fix: Testimonial frontend Form PHP warning issue.

Version 2.2.0 - Sep 30, 2020

  • New: Unlimited forms generator option.
  • New: Menu settings option.
  • New: Exclude testimonial option.
  • New: Sorting (drag & drop) option for specific testimonials.
  • New: Sorting (drag & drop) option for specific groups.
  • New: Multiple row option.
  • New: Pre-loader option.
  • New: Swipe to slide option.
  • New: Slider direction option.
  • New: Image grayscale option.
  • New: Testimonial title HTML tag option.
  • New: Popup background color option.
  • New: Social icon border radius option.
  • New: Add hook ‘sp_testimonial_social_profile_list’ for the social profile list.
  • New: Navigation border and border radius option.
  • New: Add more social links.
  • Improved: Social icon border option.
  • Improved: Responsive columns option.
  • Improved: Image size option.
  • Improved: Image border option.
  • Improved: Image padding option.
  • Improved: Testimonial approval status option.
  • Improved: Testimonial submission email notification.
  • Improved: Slide to scroll option.
  • Improved: Grid option.
  • Improved: Layout preset.
  • Fix: Drag and Drop order issue.

Version 2.1.13 - Apr 16, 2020

  • Fix: Schema reviewBody error.

Version 2.1.12 - Apr 13, 2020

  • Fix: Schema issue.
  • Fix: Front-end submission form category field issue.
  • Fix: Security issue.
  • Fix: Category saving issue on the settings page.

Version 2.1.11 - Dec 02, 2019

  • Fix: Reviewer information hiding issue.

Version 2.1.10 - Nov 29, 2019

  • New: HTML tag changing option for the Client name.
  • Improved: Dashboard UI.
  • Improved: CSS and JS files minified.
  • Removed: Google Plus was removed from Social Profiles.
  • Fix: The same image shows in the all-popup testimonials issue.
  • Fix: Order conflict 'LearnDash LMS' plugin issue.

Version 2.1.9 - May 23, 2019

  • Fix: WordPress 5.2.1 compatible issue.

Version 2.1.8 - Apr 11, 2019

  • Fix: Empty p tag issue.
  • Fix: Expand read more issue.

Version 2.1.7 - Mar 16, 2019

  • Fix: Testimonial data delete option issue.

Version 2.1.6 - Mar 09, 2019

  • New: Option to delete Testimonial data on plugin delete.
  • New: Enqueue/Dequeue option for Google Fonts.
  • New: CSS and JS enqueue/dequeue option.
  • New: Form submission message position (Top, Bottom).
  • New: Option for making the front-end form email required.
  • Fix: WPGlobus plugin compatibility issue.
  • Fix: WPBakery Page Builder limited shortcode issue.

Version 2.1.5 - Feb 26, 2019

  • New: Enable/Disable the email field.
  • New: 'Thank you' page redirect option.
  • New: Turning off the autoplay feature for mobile view.
  • New: Adaptive height in the slider.
  • New: Hiding Pagination dots in mobile view option.
  • New: Hiding Navigation arrows in the mobile view option.
  • New: Star rating icon select option.
  • Fix: Typography variant issue.
  • Fix: Image resizer class conflict issue.
  • Fix: Video testimonial issue in theme 4 & theme 5.
  • Improved: Plugin scripts.
  • Improved: Schema markup.

Version 2.1.4 - Nov 13, 2018

  • Fix: Excerpt issue with the anchor tag.

Version 2.1.3 - Nov 06, 2018

  • Fix: Recaptcha js enqueue issue.

Version 2.1.2 - Sep 20, 2018

  • Enhanced: Security enhanced.

Version 2.1.1 - Aug 13, 2018

  • Fix: Front-end submission form field Show/Hide issue.

Version 2.1 - May 23, 2018

  • Fix: Google crawling issue.
  • Fix: Paragraph spacing issue.

Version 2.0 - Apr 14, 2018

  • New: Input Fields (Image, Video, Testimonial title or Tagline, Testimonial content or Review message, Reviewer name, Rating star, Reviewer identity or Position, Company name, Location, Mobile or Telephone, E-mail, Date, Website, and 12 Social profile links)
  • New: Show/hide and customize every field
  • New: Advanced Shortcode Generator
  • New: 5+ Testimonial Layouts (e.g., Slider, Grid, Masonry, Filter, and List)
  • New: 10+ Professional Themes
  • New: 840+ Google Fonts
  • New: Enable/Disable option for Google fonts loading.
  • New: 100+ Advanced Styling and Layout Customizations Options (Position, font family, weights, size, line height, alignment, transform, letter spacing, color, etc.)
  • New: 14 Display Options (Image, Video, title, Content, Name, Rating star, identity, Company, Location, Mobile, E-mail, Date, Website, And Social profile links).
  • New: Drag & Drop Re-Ordering!
  • New: Display Specific Testimonials
  • New: A New Front-end Submission Form
  • New: Front-end Form Fields Control (Drag & drop ordering, label, color, and placeholder)
  • New: Thumbnail Slider
  • New: Video Testimonial & Lightbox
  • New: Show Full Testimonial Content or Content Limit
  • New: Read More Action Type (Expand/Popup)
  • New: Advanced Link Options
  • New: Rich Snippets Compatible
  • New: Ticker mode carousel for testimonials.
  • New: 8+ different navigation positions.
  • New: 15+ Modern navigation and pagination styles.
  • New: 6 different navigation arrows.
  • New: Custom Image Re-sizing
  • New: 3 Image Styles (Square, Round, and Circle)
  • New: Custom CSS option to override styles
  • New: WPBakery(formerly VC) & Widget Ready
  • New: Translation Ready (WPML)
  • New: Duplicate or Clone
  • New: Built-in Automatic Updates
  • New: And many more new options

Version 1.9.1 - Fab 24, 2018

  • Fix: Columns issue.

Version 1.9 - Jun 21, 2017

  • New: Testimonial Free and Testimonial Pro post-type backup supported.

Version 1.8.8 - May 31, 2017

  • New: Front-end form auto-fill for logged-in users.

Version 1.8.7 - Apr 20, 2017

  • Fix: Google reCaptcha issue fixed.

Version 1.8.6 - Apr 06, 2017

  • Fix: CSS issue fixed.

Version 1.8.5 - Mar 28, 2017

  • Fix: The designation mailing issue is fixed.

Version 1.8.4 - Mar 20, 2017

  • New: Infinite Loop added.
  • Fix: The front-end submission category issue is fixed.
  • New: RTL Supported.
  • New: AutoPlay speed added.
  • New: Slide Speed added.
  • New: Testimonial per slide added.

Version 1.8.3 - Mar 03, 2017

  • Fix: Client image issue fixed.
  • Fix: Free and Pro confliction issues fixed.

Version 1.8.2 - Jan 23, 2017

  • Fix: Responsive issue fixed.

Version 1.8.1 - Jan 18, 2017

  • Fix: Event calendar conflicts fixed.

Version 1.8 - Jan 10, 2017

  • New: Added read more option.

Version 1.7.1 - Jan 05, 2017

  • Fix: Designation filed HTML supported.

Version 1.7 - Nov 10, 2016

  • Fix: Default constant replaced.

Version 1.6 - Oct 07, 2016

  • Fix: Language and Translation issues fixed.

Version 1.5 - Aug 25, 2016

  • Fix: Empty field hiding issue fixed.
  • Fix: Email notification issue fixed.

Version 1.4 - Aug 23, 2016

  • Fix: Error fixed.

Version 1.3 - Aug 16, 2016

  • Fix: Error fixed.

Version 1.2 - Jul 24, 2016

  • New: Add reCaptcha.

Version 1.1 - Jun 30, 2016

  • New: Add Frontend Submission Form.

Version 1.0 - Jun 23, 2016

  • New: Initial Released.

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